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How to convert HID proprietary 37 Bit format (H10302) proximity card S/N read by ACTAtek device?

For example, the card number printed at the 37bit (H10302 format) HID proximity  card is 11500003121
ACTAtek device's Event Logs remark field showed the card number is j0000055AE83E63.    
 ( "j" is the pre-fix of HID prox. type of smart card followed by the hex ASCII characters of card number  ) 

Conversion steps:
1.The 055AE83E63 is a 37 bit raw data
2.Convert HEX: 055AE83E63 to Binary should be as below.
Appending '0' in the leading to be a 37 bit.
3.The center 35bit are card number which should be as below.
For HID proprietary 37 Bit format (H10302), the first and the last bit are parity.
4.Convert BIN to DEC 
01010101101011101000001111100110001 =>11500003121

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Article ID: 210
Category: General
Views: 3077
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