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How to make ACTAtek device's wiegand output work with the 3rd party controller's 26bit wiegand input?




The below steps will show you how to make ACTAtek device's wiegand output work with Kantech KT-300 Door Controller's 26bit wiegand input as an example. 


Step1.Please follow the below diagram to finish the wiring between the device and the controller.


Step2.Login to physical device's console menu to add the new User such as Smart Card /FingerPrint or PIN.

In this example,we will add one Smart Card user ID:1234,and its card no. was 56EE1600.


Step3.Login to device's [Terminal Setup]page to setup [Wiegand Configuration] setting ,and select which wiegand output data format to meet your requirements.e.g.Card ID only. Once done,click [Submit] to make the changes saved. 



Step4.Now the staff can start to access the device using Smart Card,and then the device will output the wiegand output data to the controller.



The above's test video can be watched on-line here. 



The device's Wiegand output data format was configured as "Card ID only"

The device's CSN :56EE1600,and then first 24bit will be sent out: 56EE16

So, when you watched the video, the KT-300 will read out 56:EE16.


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Article details
Article ID: 53
Category: Wiegand output integration
Views: 1601
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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