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Firmware Force Upgrade


Force Firmware Upgrade Mode.



ACTA3 are requiring force upgrade or downgrade for some cases such as bellow


1.CGI error during firmware upgrade.

2.CGI error in firmware upgrade page.

3.Firmware upgrade page is not accessible.

4.Regular Firmware upgrade is not affecting after upgrade.

5.During Super Admin accounts corruption or internal database corruption.


Please follow bellow steps for successful firmware upgrade during above mentioned cases.

1.Type http://DEVICE IP/cgi-bin/systemUpgrade.cgi?command=0&pwd=ReBoOtNoW

2.Click “Browse” to locate the firmware (once downloaded to your machine from our website)Click “Open” once the file has been located, and “Upload” to upload it to your system. 

You Will then be prompted to upgrade your system, this should take a couple of minutes. Once Upgraded, please do reboot the unit to take effect the new firmware.

Also from this page, the current firmware version can be seen, and the upgrade count is also Available to show you how many times the system has been upgraded, for your reference Purposes. 

3.Once upload is clicked, the system will install the new firmware and your system Will reboot automatically to let the new changes take effect.

steps.jpg steps.jpg

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Article details
Article ID: 150
Category: ACTAtek Firmware & Patches Upgrade
Views: 9500
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (1)

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