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How to upgrade your firmware and apply optional patches


Firmware releases are carried out on a regular basis, first with a monthly release, then quarterly and then an annual release. We will continue to add new features to our unit and have a monthly firmware upgrade to include those features for our clients.


Patches releases are carried out to enable demand-based features such as user upgrade, auto match upgrade, open card patches and others. Patches releases also help with troubleshooting and diagnosis.


To upgrade your unit with the latest firmware or to apply any of the above-mentioned patches, follow these steps:


1. Download the firmware or patch file from our website to your machine.

2. Click on “Firmware Upgrade” from the left column under “Tools”.

3. Click “Browse” to locate the file on your machine.

4. Click “Open” once the file has been located, click "Upload” to upload it to your device. You will then be prompted to ''upgrade'' your device, please go ahead to upgrade. This should take a couple of minutes.

5. Once upgraded, the unit will automatically reboot to initiate the upgrade.

From the “Firmware Upgrade” page, you can also see the current firmware version and the upgrade count, which shows you how many times the system has been upgraded, for your reference purposes.

FWPAT-Upgrade-Steps.jpg FWPAT-Upgrade-Steps.jpg

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Article ID: 151
Category: ACTAtek Firmware & Patches Upgrade
Views: 3869
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (1)

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