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What are the steps for the migration from the on-premises AMS to the AMS SaaS?


Step1.Login to the register device's [Terminal List] to ensure that the device's up-to-date event logs data were sync. with the on-premises  AMS database already.


Step2.Use Microsoft SQL Server Management studio software to do the full database backup for the on-premises  AMS,and then restore it to the AMS SaaS SQL server.


Step3.Login to the new AMS SaaS domain name,and then setup its database with the step2's restored on-premises  AMS database,and then click 'Upgrade' button.


Step4.Login to the registered device's [Access Client Setup] page to un-register the device with the on-premises  AMS,and then re-register the device with the AMS SaaS server's end-point URL under the new domain name.Wait for the device's re-registration was finished.



1.During the device's re-registration with the AMS SaaS,there is no need to worry about the event logs data lost since the up-to-date event logs data were sync. to on-premises  AMS database already,and then restored to the AMS SaaS SQL database at the above step2.


2.Please inform the Users not to access the device temporarily until the device's re-registration with the AMS SaaS was finished.


3.If needed,please login to the registered device,and then use the below URL to do the full system backup file (*.bin)  before doing the re-registration with the AMS SaaS.


http://IP of device/cgi-bin/systemBackup.cgi?command=0 

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Article details
Article ID: 219
Category: AMS SaaS
Views: 1132
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (1)

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