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How to access the device using dual access method? e.g. SC/QR code + FACE or SC/QR code + FP or SC/QR code +PIN method.


Please kindly follow the below step-by-step screenshot files.

Step1. Login to the device's Access Groups,and then click the default General Staff group to edit its access right.


Please make sure that the User had enrolled Face ,and also added Smart Card (SC) /QR code or FingerPrint (FP) / PIN(Password) already.

Step2. Click the default access right,and then disable its QuickAccess function.

Step3. Disable QuickAccess function .

Step4.Modify the changes.

 Step5. After Step4 is done,please access the device again.The device will need to use the dual access method to grant the access.


For example: Event Log for "SC+FingerPrint". 


Quick steps:
  1. Add new FACE User
  2. Add smart card / FP for new User
  3. Disable 'Quick access' setting of User's Access Group/Right
  4. Disable User's Face Auto Match
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Article ID: 70
Category: Hardware
Views: 5068
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (1)

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