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After the device was registered with AMS,I did not see any Event Logs sending to AMS.What can I do?

      Please double check the device's [Terminal List] webpage to see if  the [Server List] is empty .If the answer was yes,it will be the root cause that  the registered device does not know where to send the Event Logs data to.See the attached file as an example.
      So in this case,under the [Server List],you will need to click [Add] to add the AMS server Endpoint URL like below together with the correct [Magic] key entered  as you had setup at AMS [Server Setup] setting.See the attached file as an example.
http://IP address or Domain Name of AMS server/AccessServer/AgentService.asmx
     Once the above setting is configured ready,you can click [Submit] button to start to push/send the Event Logs back to AMS server ,and the 'Send Log Status' will show "Synchronized".

issue.gif issue.gif
magic.jpg magic.jpg

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Article details
Article ID: 23
Category: AMS Software
Views: 1847
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (1)

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