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AMS Anti-Pass Back Group


Anti-Pass Back Group.

 Introduce a new "APB Group" to have different APB settings. With new APB Groups,  AMS can concurrently set to Disable APB for one APB Group A,  Anti-Pass back for another APB Group B,  AUTO IN/OUT for another APB Group C, etc. Undefined APB Group for certain Departments/Terminals may follow System-wide default APB settings

Available Anti-Pass Back in AMS

01. Reset Daily - Reset Daily at the time configured to allow Passback

02. Timer Timeout - Reset at Timer Timeout after the previous event to allow Passback

03. Session End - Reset at the End of Access Right time Session to allow Passback 

04. Paced IN OUT - No APB Reset, Timer Paced between IN/OUT events


The APB advance features will require the Access Manager Suite Server to reside on the same local area network as the ACTAtek terminals for the best possible outcome. Authentication is determined by the status of the users from the Access Manager Suite Server when working with multiple ACTAtek terminals therefore a low-latency network is required.

In any event, where the Access Manager Suite Server goes offline or the ACTAtek terminal loses communication with the AMS server, the ACTAtek terminal will not be able to request a server-side authentication and instead record an ID UNKNOWN event record while the ACTAtek terminal screen shows ID Reserved AMS Offline during the punch. 

For more information about how to configure the AMS APB, Please kindly refer to the AMS User manual Page 66 (Appendix: F) from the link below.

Anti-Pass-Back-Departments-Terminals-Associated-Groups-01.jpg Anti-Pass-Back-Departments-Terminals-Associated-Groups-01.jpg
AMS-Anti-pass-Back-Session-End-With-Crowd-Control.jpg AMS-Anti-pass-Back-Session-End-With-Crowd-Control.jpg
AMS-Anti-pass-Back-Auto-IN-and-OUT.jpg AMS-Anti-pass-Back-Auto-IN-and-OUT.jpg
AMS-Anti-pass-Back-Access-Control.jpg AMS-Anti-pass-Back-Access-Control.jpg

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Article details
Article ID: 220
Category: AMS Software
Views: 278
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (1)

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