Step1.Login to the register device's [Terminal List] to ensure that the device's up-to-date event logs data were sync. with the on-premises AMS database already.
Step2.Use Microsoft SQL Server Mana... |
Quick Steps:-
1. Log in to the AMS by Administrator's account using the below default credentials.
Login ID :- Admin
Please download the attached files for more information. |
AMS SaaS & ACTAtek Firmware compatibility information:
The new AMS SaaS version (Build 2020.12.15 05:16:23 AM) API starts to support the domain name.
Note:This build added below new API functio... |
Step 1.Login to the target domain name device's [Terminal List] page to delete any existing server list(s) first.
Step 2.Login to the target AMS SaaS domain name,and then go to [Access Manager]->... |
Please check the attached file for more information. |
Please follow the below step-by-step instructions.
1.Go to AMS System Settings tab and click on Add Account.
2.Enter the details for the new account and click on Save.