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How can I troubleshoot network connection issues from a registered device to the AMS server when the device is showing as offline?


To help troubleshoot the client's network connection problem further from the registered device to the AMS server.

Please follow the steps below to enable and retrieve (copy/paste) the 'AMS Host Offline Network Test' log information. 

  1. Enable the Network Test:

    • Navigate to the device's [Access Client Setup] page on the device.
    • Enable the 'AMS Host Offline Network Test' function.
  2. Reference the Example:

    • Refer to the attached file for an example of how to perform this test.
  3. Wait for Completion:

    • Allow the test to run for a few minutes after enabling the function to ensure it gathers sufficient data.
  4. Retrieve the Log Information:

    • Once the test is complete, copy the network test log information generated by the device.
  5. Send the Log Information:

  • Paste the copied network test log information into a TXT file, and send it to us for further analysis.


The 'AMS Host Offline Network Test' function is supported from ACTAtek4 firmware version 4_00.2413 or above.

network_test_log_info.png network_test_log_info.png

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Article ID: 278
Category: General
Views: 29
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