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How to configure the email alerts from ACTAtek4's web page?


Alert Log Settings

The ACTAtek new Alert log settings allow the customers to send out email/sms notifications upon following events

1. Door held open:- The Access control door is open more than a particular time example 30 sec

2. Bottom case is detached:- The ACTAtek device's removed from the wall bracket. 

3. Duress Access:- The 2 digits duress access can be hit in times of need to alert responders on the other end. Which is 
designed to combat the threat.

4. User Massage:- Once the user authenticates the ACTAtek device the user can get an email notification.


NOTE:- The ACTAtek also can send out the following alerts when it is configured with the Access Manager Suite Software:- Higher body temperature alerts, Early IN & Late Out, Unautorized User access, and Unknown User Access.


Please refer to the below screenshot about how to configure the SMTP Alert Log settings and the example Email Alert.


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Article ID: 237
Category: General
Views: 209
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