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How to enroll ACTAtek4 Face Users by uploading User's picture (JPEG file)?


Quick Steps

1. Log In to the ACTAtek device WEB UI and go to Add new users

2. Enter the User ID, Last Name, First Name, Other Name, and Admin Level
. Check the relevant boxes for the relevant Access Group, this will limit or give them access at different times or doors, depending on the configuration made. The general department is the default department and associated users can access the device 24/7 by default. Assign the Department for the user accordingly. Please refer to below screen capture.


3. Once you have entered the user details in relevant fields, Please navigate to add Facial photo and choose the JPGE file from your local drive and click on upload.

Once the image has been uploaded the ACTAtek facial algorithm will convert the image to a facial template for the user to continue to access the ACTAtek device.

4. Click Add button to finish adding the new facial user.


Note:- Please make sure the uploading JPEG image is not larger than 1000*1000 pixels.



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Article ID: 232
Category: General
Views: 162
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