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A step-by-step guide for employees to register their attendance remotely using the ACTAtek device's "Add User Record" function?


Scenario: The customer wants to record their staffs' working hours remotely or locally using the ACTAtek device.


The ACTAtek device has a feature called “Add User Record” that allows the staffs to record their clocking IN/OUT time from anywhere. They just need to enter their Login ID and Password and choose “IN” or “OUT” or another Event ID, and the device will save the event log for them. To do this,


Step1. Open the browser and type the device's IP address to go to its Login page.



Step2. Click 'Add User Record' link and enter your User ID and Password. Select “IN” or “OUT” or another Event ID and click "Add" button to complete the remote clocking process.

Step3. After that, if needed,the customer can log in as a super administrator and go to [View Event Log] page to see the remote clocking records.


View/download demo video link


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Article details
Article ID: 198
Category: Time and Attendance
Views: 1669
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (2)

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