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After clicking 'Start FingerPrint Scan',an error message shows that Enrollment process failed.Error description:The frame source device is not connected.How to resolve the error?


Please close the DE software first,and also unplug the LogiPrint device.

After that please unzip the "" file,and then copy the "ftrScanApi.dll" file to overwrite the old file located at the below path.


C:\Program Files (x86)\ACTAtek\AMS (DE) Desktop Enrollment\


Once it is done,please plugin the LogiPrint device to the PC's USB port,and then open the DE  software to see if the issue is resolved.






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Article details
Article ID: 181
Category: AMS Desktop Enrollment software
Views: 972
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (1)

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