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Is it possible to allow certain people to open the door ? And also,everyone can still do th time attendance without opening the door.


Please kindly check the below step-by-step instructions about how to configure the device's door strike#1 under [emergency mode] to support it.



1.Login to device's [Terminal Setup]page to set Door Strike 1 Option to Emergency Mode .


2.Go to device's [View User List]page to modify the Access Control 's User ID which is allow to open the door,and then re-assign their department to [Emergency ].


3.Once done,those User IDs which are re-assigned to "Emergency" department can open the door. 


Note: Please kindly setup the in-house testing environment to verify the above solution.


For example.



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Article details
Article ID: 178
Category: General
Views: 694
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (1)

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